Put It To The Test - Round One
Go Team!
This past week we entered our first round of closed alpha testing. And boy was it glorious! The team put in many many long hours over the past week. We squashed dozens of bugs, operationalized our test servers. We strengthened our devops pipelines, improved our server management tools.
A huge thanks to our team of testers, about a dozen different people have contributed by way of testing and validating the thousands of hours of work we as a team have put into this project already.

You did what now ?
Yes, we opened up for testing. Our first round of tests were pretty narrow audience. We know many applied to join us and were not involved in this first round. Firstly, we deeply appreciate the enthusiasm the community has shown towards this project. We appreciate all those who have applied as it's given us a "shot in the arm" to push us onward. Second, we will expand our testing team as time goes on so fear not.
Overall Health and the Path Forward
Overall this round of testing brought out some important defects. But fortunately, so far none of the defects appear to be ground breaking or considered "major" blockers. We will work over the next week or so squashing the bugs found.
The future so far is bright! We don't forsee any major technical blockers. We have only one or two areas that are still waiting for full implementation, that is auto generated missions and pathfinding within indoor zones (subway/totw/etc).
Once dust settles on our bug squashing we will return to these features to bring this project that much closer to a public release.
Developer | Co-Founder